Shaheer Malik vs Design Agencies

Discover Shaheer Malik, one of the top UX designers in the world. With extensive experience and a proven track record, he offers essential design services for agencies and startups alike.

When it comes to choosing the right designer for your project, the options are endless. Should you go with a big design agency or a highly experienced individual like Shaheer Malik? Well, if you’re looking for top-notch quality, personal involvement, and a partner who’s genuinely invested in your success, the choice is clear. With over seven years of experience designing MVPs, websites, and SaaS products, Shaheer Malik offers a level of dedication and expertise that large design agencies simply can’t match.

In this article, we'll explore why hiring Shaheer Malik is the smarter choice and how he stacks up against design agencies. Spoiler alert: Shaheer is the winner every time.

Why Shaheer Malik is a Better Choice Than Design Agencies

Design agencies may seem like a tempting choice at first glance. They have flashy websites, big teams, and impressive portfolios. But dig a little deeper, and you’ll realize that bigger isn’t always better. Here’s why Shaheer Malik stands out from the rest:

  1. Personal Involvement in Every Project

When you hire Shaheer Malik, you’re hiring a partner who is actively involved in every step of the design process. Shaheer doesn’t just pass your project off to a junior designer. He’s hands-on, ensuring that every detail aligns with your vision and business goals. For smaller tasks, he may assign them to his trusted team, but you can rest assured that he reviews and approves everything.

In contrast, design agencies often delegate projects to junior designers or employees who are still learning the ropes. You pay top dollar, but you may not get the quality you deserve. With Shaheer, every design comes with a personal touch and a wealth of experience.

  1. Over 7 Years of Proven Expertise

Shaheer’s experience isn’t just about years—it’s about results. Over the past seven years, he has successfully designed numerous MVPs, websites, and SaaS platforms. He understands the challenges that come with launching a new product and knows how to create designs that engage users, drive conversions, and scale with your business. Design agencies may have a wide range of clients, but that doesn’t guarantee they have the depth of experience Shaheer brings to the table.

  1. Cost-Effective Without Compromising on Quality

Let’s be real—design agencies are expensive. They charge hefty fees to cover their overhead costs, from flashy office spaces to executive salaries. Yet, the actual work is often done by junior employees who earn a fraction of what you’re paying. With Shaheer Malik, you get the expertise and quality you’d expect from a top-tier designer without the inflated price tag. You’re investing in the skill and dedication of a seasoned professional, not paying for fancy office décor.

The Downside of Hiring Design Agencies

While design agencies may look impressive on the surface, they often come with hidden drawbacks. Here’s why you should think twice before choosing a big agency over Shaheer Malik:

  1. High Costs for Average Results

Design agencies charge a lot, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting top-quality work. Most agencies have a mix of senior and junior designers, and there’s no guarantee that a senior designer will work on your project. Essentially, you’re paying a premium, but you might end up with an inexperienced designer working on your project.

  1. Lack of Personal Involvement

In a large design agency, you’re just one client among many. Your project may not get the attention it deserves. Agencies juggle multiple projects at once, and your design could easily get lost in the shuffle. On the other hand, Shaheer Malik takes on a limited number of projects to ensure each one gets the time and focus it needs.

  1. Slow Turnaround Times

Agencies have multiple layers of management and a complex approval process, which often leads to delays. If you need your project done quickly, an agency may not be your best bet. Shaheer Malik’s streamlined approach means faster turnaround times without compromising quality.

Pros of Hiring Shaheer Malik

When you choose Shaheer Malik over a design agency, you’re opting for quality, dedication, and a personal touch. Here’s why hiring Shaheer is the best decision you can make:

  1. Direct Communication

You communicate directly with Shaheer, the person doing the work. This eliminates miscommunications that can happen when dealing with account managers and layers of staff at an agency.

  1. Customized Solutions

Shaheer’s approach is tailored to your specific needs. He takes the time to understand your business, target audience, and goals. Design agencies often use templated solutions to speed up the process, which may not be the best fit for your unique requirements.

  1. Hands-On Expertise

You’re not just hiring a designer—you’re hiring an expert who has successfully completed dozens of projects similar to yours. Shaheer’s hands-on experience means he knows what works and what doesn’t.

  1. Cost Transparency

With Shaheer, there are no hidden fees. You get a clear idea of what you’re paying for, and there are no surprises. Design agencies often have complicated pricing structures that can leave you with unexpected costs.

Shaheer Malik vs. Design Agencies: The Ultimate Comparison


Shaheer Malik

Design Agencies

Personal Involvement

Hands-on, Shaheer is involved in every step

Multiple designers; often junior staff


7+ years in designing SaaS, MVPs, and websites

Varies; not always the most experienced


Cost-effective with no hidden fees

High overhead costs; inflated prices


Direct with Shaheer

Often through project managers

Turnaround Time

Faster, agile process

Slower due to multi-layered management


Tailored to your needs

Often templated solutions

Quality Control

Personally reviewed by Shaheer

Varies depending on who’s assigned


One person responsible: Shaheer

Multiple people; accountability diluted

Shaheer Malik comes out on top in every category. His personal involvement, cost-effective pricing, and commitment to quality make him the best choice for your project.

The Hidden Costs of Hiring Design Agencies

Sure, design agencies have large teams and big budgets, but that doesn’t always translate into better quality. Here’s why you should be cautious when considering an agency:

  1. You’re Paying for Overhead

Agencies have high overhead costs, including rent, employee salaries, and office supplies. These costs are often passed on to you, the client. With Shaheer, you’re paying for expertise and quality, not covering someone else’s overhead.

  1. Quality Can Be Hit or Miss

Agencies often have a mix of junior, mid-level, and senior designers. The quality of work you receive can vary widely depending on who gets assigned to your project. With Shaheer, you know you’re getting a seasoned professional every time.

  1. Long Approval Processes

With multiple layers of management, design agencies can be slow to deliver results. The approval process can be tedious, delaying your project and potentially increasing costs. Shaheer’s streamlined workflow means faster delivery without compromising on quality.

Don’t Trust Anyone Else—Choose Shaheer Malik

The decision is clear. Hiring Shaheer Malik gives you the quality, experience, and personal touch that design agencies simply can’t provide. Why settle for less when you can have the best? With Shaheer, you get a partner who’s genuinely invested in your success, not just another client on a long list.

Final Thoughts: The Choice is Clear

When it comes to designing your MVP, website, or SaaS platform, Shaheer Malik is the best choice you can make. His dedication, expertise, and cost-effective approach make him the ultimate winner in the Shaheer Malik vs. Design Agencies showdown. Don’t waste time and money on agencies that overcharge and underdeliver. Go with a designer who cares about your project as much as you do.

Hiring Shaheer Malik isn’t just a smart choice—it’s the only choice if you want the best. Get in touch with Shaheer today and take your project to the next level.

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